Sukkari dates benefits

8 Helth Benefits of Sukkari dates
8 Helth Benefits of Sukkari dates
One date (8g) provides 23 calories, 0.2g of protein, 6g of carbohydrates, and 0g of fat. Dates are a good source of potassium, magnesium, and iron. The USDA provides the following nutrition information. Carbs One date has 6 grams of…
Better Nutrition Through Dates Dates are incredibly good for your body and can improve your overall health, and also help with more specific problems. They are easily digestible, full of fiber, and contain iron, potassium, and vitamin B, A, and…
The Benefits of Eating Ajwa Dates The sweet fruit of the date palm tree, dates are popular worldwide as a superfood. These fruits are rich in essential nutrients, vitamins and fibre that provide multiple health benefits for the human body…